Psalm 100:3/ We Are His

“Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.”Psalm 100:3

I love how this verse presents the most simple and profound truth in all the universe: that God is God, and we are His. We’ve always had a problem with this, dating back to the Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve wanted to take God’s place. Today, we still try to play the role of God. But this is a tiresome and possibly deadly pursuit. 

But here’s where Psalm 100:3 points us:  God is God … He made us … We are His … and we are under His care. 

I forget this. I neglect this. I rebel against this. In a thousand ways, I tend to Lord over my own little universe, and my reward is fear, apathy, anxiety, discontentment, and the deadly pride to think I'm better off self-dependent. 

But God—in His tender care— graciously reminds us here that it’s best for us to be subject to Him, to operate under His care, to look to Him alone for all our needs, to acknowledge HIS Lordship and embrace our position as God-dependent. We know that fruitful life and ministry come only through Christ-dependency (John 15:5)!

So today, let's take some soul-level rest knowing that the Lord, He is God. Let's look to our shepherd, Jesus Christ, for all our needs. Let's make peace with belonging to Him.

What's troubling you? What needs do you have?

Admit afresh that Christ is Lord. Acknowledge your dependency on Him and ask Him to provide. 

Father, help us declare that one simple truth earnestly: that you are God. Set us free from attempting to play God in our lives. Deliver us from self-reliance. Bring our souls rest because we accept that we are yours and that you are our provider. Settle our hearts with your Lordship. We are blessed to belong to you, Father. We trust you to provide. Help our lives reflect our God-dependency by humbly seeking your Lordship in our lives through your Word, prayer, fellowship with other believers, and a worshipful heart in all we do. We want to acknowledge you as Lord so that you are glorified—will you help us do that? Amen.

In Christ,
Pastor Kevin

Brita Dolan