Growth groups are intended to be a community of people who come together weekly (and connect throughout the week) to encourage, challenge, and equip each other to intentionally engage the world around them with the Gospel.  No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome to come and learn along with us what it means to live out our faith in authentic Christian community.

Our Growth Groups go through a rotation of Study, Share, Study, Choose.  

The Study nights involve fellowship, prayer, snacks, and Bible study.  

The Share night involves the same as the Study night, with some added time for discipleship.  

The Choose night is a time where each Growth Group can choose to either spend a time praying, sharing in small groups or have a play night which intentionally spends time together having fun and building community!


BRYANT & 65TH GROUP - monday AT 7PM

Greenlake Group - Wednesday at 7pm


Roosevelt Group - Wednesday at 6pm

shoreline GROUP - wednesday AT 7PM

Wedgwood Group - Wednesday at 7PM


Please take the time to watch this video from Pastor Dave and Pastor Kevin about how we are diving into the Bible this Season.