James 3:4-12 / Words Carry Weight

Recently I was driving home and activated my phone’s voice-to-text feature to text a friend. When I finished, I was surprised to find the written message wasn’t at all what I’d spoken; in fact, it would’ve communicated the exact opposite of what I intended to say! (Siri, you were supposed to make my life easier!) With my thumb hovering over the send button, I was so glad I re-read and re-wrote the message. Why? Because words carry weight. 

Have you felt this like I have? Have you ever said something in frustration you didn’t really mean? Ever been confused when someone misinterpreted your comments? Or in contrast, have you seen someone’s eyes light up when you encourage them? It’s because words carry weight.

Our challenge, though, is that words are invisible. We don’t always see the immediate impact our words have, both positive and negative.

In James 3, the author uses two analogies to help make visible what is invisible:

“Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by the strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire…”

The ship turns and arrives safely home through the work of such a small instrument. In contrast, a forest burns from a small spark! So also words that seem small have a large impact—for good or for evil. 

In John 15, Jesus speaks words of encouragement over His disciples: “Already you are clean because of the word I have spoken to you.” This Word of God now speaks the same word to believers today—'you are clean, wholly righteous, beloved, because of Me’. What life-giving words Jesus has spoken over sinful, broken, needy people like us! Words that literally changes our lives, our eternity. Jesus shows us the remarkable power of words that bring true life; out of this new life we speak life to others.

In the chaos and busyness of our day-to-day lives, we are faced with the choice—will I use my words to build up or to tear down? Our hope in those moments of decision is a Savior who has spoken life-giving words over us in our greatest moment of need; now, He offers us the chance to speak to others in His name. What will we say? 

Our words carry weight! 

What do your words reveal about the state of your heart? (Matthew 12:34)
How can you use your words to give life this week?

Pastor Kevin G

Kevin Gibbs