John 5:39/ Your Bible is Proof that God Exists
John 5:39/ Your Bible is Proof that God Exists
The bible should have no coherent message at all. Here's what I mean: Imagine someone gave you an assignment to write a book, but it is a team assignment and there are certain parameters. The parameters are:
It must be written over a span of 1,500 years …
It must have over 40 different authors …
It must be written in 3 different languages …
It must be written on 3 different continents …
It must be written by a wide range of people from backgrounds like priests, prophets, shepherds, tax collectors, fishermen, tent makers, kings, royals, doctors, cup bearers to Kings, …
It must be historically accurate …
It must be geographically accurate …
It must hold up to archeological scrutiny …
It must predict future events accurately thousands of times …
And it must have one central message. Additionally, that message will not be fully known until the final century of writing the book.
It is not humanly possible to orchestrate that. Even if we had today's internet for thousands of years, this task would be impossible. But despite all the limitations of the ancient world, that's exactly how the bible is composed.
Your bible is proof that God exists. It was divinely inspired as a precious gift by God to reveal Jesus Christ so that we could have eternal life. Jesus said to the Jews in John 5:39,
"You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me…"
While the natural world may awaken our senses to the possibility of God, our bibles leave no doubt about the reality of God in Christ Jesus.
Let your bible serve as a reminder that God exists today.
Let that saturate your mind and heart.
Let your soul find rest knowing that God is.
If you want to dig deeper into this, need help, need prayer, or have questions—please reach out to us here: Roots Help & Prayer Form
Pastor Kevin