Psalms 41:11/ You Delight in Me

Psalms 41:11/ You Delight in Me

Psalms 41:11 (ESV) By this I know that you delight in me: my enemy will not shout in triumph over me.

King David believed that God delighted in Him. And he trusted God to express that delight by giving him victory over his enemies.

God made a covenant with King David so you’d think he would have said, “By this I know you'll be faithful to your covenant with me: my enemy will not triumph over me!” Instead, King David highlights the relational intimacy God has with His people.

God delights in His children. If you belong to God through faith in Jesus you have the New Covenant in which God has promised to give eternal life to those who put faith in Jesus, but you also have a Father who delights in you. Legally, we have right standing with God and, relationally, we are the apple of His eye.

Do you know this about yourself? Have you spent time affirming this about yourself?

Jesus has secured your victory over the great enemies of sin and death, and by this we know for sure that God delights in us. Ask God to help you know and feel the reality that He delights in you today.

In Christ,
Pastor Kevin

If you want to dig deeper into this, need help, need prayer, or have questions—please reach out to us here: Roots Help & Prayer Form

Corinn Elliff