Proverbs 19:21 / Remember 2020

Proverbs 19:21 / Remember 2020

“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” Proverbs 19:21

How many of you had plans in 2020? How many of you had at least a general vision for how you wanted the year to go? I am willing to bet it did not go as we expected. That is because we do not rule the universe. At times it may seems as if we do with our modern-day abilities to set calendars, procure resources, and achieve goals more than any time in human history. But, with all that, lest we forget that God rules the universe.

God's providential rule is one of our biggest lessons from 2020. This is the reality that, whether more directly or more indirectly, God has purposes and those purposes always come to fruition. He will either initiate something or allow something, but either way, He has the final say with what happens in our world. Job concluded, “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted" (Job 42:2).

What's our response to this reality of God's rule? If we are willing, this can be the source of utter dependency upon God. It can move us to proper relationship between creator and creation where we submit all things to Him. Rather than attempt anything apart from God, we acknowledge His Lordship over all of life and include Him in all we seek to do.

If 2020 showed us anything it was how little control we actually have over our lives. Let's not let that lesson slip by this year. Remember who rules. Submit your life to Him. Hear from Him and seek to do what He says. Resist any sense of autonomy when it comes to your life. Jesus died that through faith we could be united with Him. Let your aim in 2021 be living in utter dependence upon God because, in reality--everything depends on Him.

In Christ,
Pastor Kevin

Corinn Elliff