Hello Roots,

This week we are going to talk about something we all know we need to do, many of us desire to do, but most of us find challenging.

We are talking about evangelism.

Our memory verse this week makes it clear, we are ambassadors for Christ and as ambassadors we are charged with representing Christ to a world that desperately needs the forgiveness that He has made available. There is a prevalent message we hear consistently in our culture today that it is wrong to push a belief on someone else. Every person has their own version of “truth” and it is considered rude or out of touch to share something that goes against that truth. 

That is what makes this hard. We have a truth that: 

  1. Often goes against the norms of society.

  2. Many times calls people to radical lifestyle change.

  3. Can dramatically alter a person’s life for all of eternity.

So what do we do with that? How do we share this truth in a culture that denies many aspects of it?

We love people well, we build relationship, we plant seeds of truth in every conversation, and we boldly share when the Spirit prompts. We’ve got to.  There is too much at stake if we don’t.

Do we do this harshly? Argumentatively? Do we debate people into God’s Kingdom? Of course not. That is not like the Jesus we are called to represent. We must be BOLD but not BRASH. Letting people know Who we belong to and what we are about, and then intentionally sharing the Gospel with them as the Spirit leads.

I hope the resources below will be as helpful to you as they were to me. Please take the time to learn the 3 Circles Gospel Presentation, it is a great way of sharing Jesus in a clear and understandable way.

With much love, 

Pastor Dave

Article To Read:

Tim Keller - How to be More Public with Your Faith

Video to Watch:

How Evangelism Works in a Post-Christian Culture


Verse to Memorize:

2 Corinthians 5:20 (ESV)

20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.

Additionals Resources:
How to Witness at Work

Hannah Childs