Proverbs 15:14 / What are you craving?

The discerning heart seeks knowledge,
    but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly.

Ever had a craving that you just couldn’t stop thinking about? 

Maybe you saw a commercial for a shake and thoughts of delicious dairy wouldn’t leave your mind?

We all get cravings from time to time, some for healthy and good things, such as a growing desire to get into the Word of God – others for unhealthy things – such as juicy gossip or the latest fad.

The author of Proverbs makes it clear: those who have a discerning heart, one that is full of wisdom and insight, seek knowledge. They diligently search for understanding. They crave the types of things that have depth and value, that add to their perspective and expand their minds.

Fools on the other hand, feed on folly. They devour information that is shallow, empty, or fleeting. The fool might get the satisfaction of an inside scoop on someone’s marriage troubles, failures, or faults, but it’s all fluff. 

Folly is empty calories, information that is easy to digest, but nutritionally unfulfilling. 

We must learn to crave meat and veggies – to spend our time filling our spiritual stomachs with the wisdom that will help us think and act like our Savior. 

So this week, take some time to process these two questions:


What do I crave? When I have a quiet moment or a break, where do I instinctively go to fill the time?


Are the sources of information I turn to bringing depth to my life and strengthening my biblical worldview, or leaving me entertained, but bringing me no closer to Jesus?


With much love, 

Pastor Dave

Eliza Knepler