Romans 5 / Hope For the Future

  It’s the start of a new year, and the turn of the calendar brings with it the hope of better days and a brighter future. We make resolutions, we hope for change, and we tighten up on our diets and budgets (at least for a week or two). But while the calendar turns, we find that many of our circumstances remain the same. Many of the problems and trials we meant to leave behind instead traveled with us. We find that while seasons change, many of our trials remain the same.

As we wrestle through the various trials of the new year—or even simply the mundane of everyday life—God’s Word brings us incredible encouragement when a new year brings old problems with it. Romans 5:2-5 says:

“Through [Jesus] we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”

According to this passage, the encouragement we have in our trials is the grace and hope of God Himself. Grace that God has given us through faith in Jesus Christ, and hope that God gives us through the love of His Spirit. As we face old trials in a new year, we can apply this passage to our problems in two ways:

Reflect on God’s faithfulness. Romans 5:1-2 reminds us that our grace was obtained through Jesus Christ. God gives us grace not once we’ve conquered our trials but in the midst of them, according to Christ’s power. 

Remain steadfast. God’s sovereignty uses the trials of a broken world to grow our character and instill hope in the glory of God. As we remain steadfast, God not only works around us but in us.

As we take on the new year with all of its joys and trials, we can trust in the grace and hope that is ours in Jesus Christ. 

Where has God been faithful to you this past year?

How has God cultivated endurance, character or hope for the future in you?


Pastor Kevin G

If you want to dig deeper into this, need help, need prayer, or have questions—please reach out to us here: Roots Help Form 

Kevin Gibbs