Psalm 103:1-5/ Satisfied in Christ

 [1] Bless the LORD, O my soul,
        and all that is within me,
        bless his holy name! 
    [2] Bless the LORD, O my soul,
        and forget not all his benefits, 
    [3] who forgives all your iniquity,
        who heals all your diseases, 
    [4] who redeems your life from the pit,
        who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, 
    [5] who satisfies you with good
        so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. 
Psalm 103:1-5

My wife and I have a one-eyed cat named Jack. Every so often we buy Jack toys and usually she loves to receive them. But here's what I've noticed about Jack: Jack doesn't need much to be happy. If you open a package she'll play with the tape. If you start an electrical project she'll play with the spare wires. If you are rigging up your fishing pole she'll play with the lines. She's satisfied with just about anything, she doesn't need elaborate gifts. 

When it comes to satisfaction in God, we should be a lot like Jack. Of course, we receive the elaborate gifts, but we should be satisfied with anything God provides. 

David commands his soul to bless the Lord because God is so good to us. In fact, God is so good that He satisfies us with good. I think sometimes we forget this truth. I think sometimes our needs and our wants eat up most of our spiritual bandwidth. We tend to think on the things we do not have much more than we think on the things we do have.  

Part of directing your soul to bless God is finding satisfaction in all His goodness. And according to David, the reason for this is "so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's." This renews a spirit of gratitude and humility. It protects us from grumbling and discontentment. It is life-giving to pause and bless God, to remember His goodness, and to find satisfaction in Him.

 So, I want to ask: is Jesus enough to satisfy you? Is His sacrifice sufficient? When we put our faith in Jesus, God gives us everything we need for eternity, what more could we need or want? And yet, God still provides abundantly more. We have a heartbeat and air to breathe. We have skills and ambitions. We have friends and family. We have food and shelter. We have so much good … but are we satisfied? 

The culture we live in says, "we can never have enough." This is a threat to the Christian soul if we fall into this kind of thinking. John D. Rockefeller used to own 1% of the entire U.S. economy through his 90% monopoly on the oil business. Someone asked him, "how much money is enough?" to which he replied, "just a little bit more." Rockefeller was unsatisfied despite having an abundance. We risk adopting the same sentiment if we are not vigilant to remember how blessed we are in Christ. 

 Ask God to search your heart and root out any discontentment; any spirit of grumbling. Ask Him to renew your heart with satisfaction in Christ. If we do this, like the Psalmist said, I believe He will satisfy us with good.

 If you want to dig deeper into this, need help, need prayer, or have questions—please reach out to us here: Roots Help & Prayer Form.


In Christ, 

Pastor Kevin

Brita Dolan