Psalm 119/ Look into the Word

We heard Sunday that God's word can serve as a mirror to help us see things about ourselves that are not Christlike. And with that, we must act when we see something that is not Godly in our lives. James made us a promise that we will be blessed if we "look into the perfect law" and act based on what we see (James 1:25). 

I thought it would be helpful to spend some time looking into the word today. Let's read Psalm 119 and meditate on all the value that God's word brings to our lives. Pray that God would, "Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderous thing out of your law," before you start reading and make notes as you go. 

 If you want to dig deeper into this, need help, need prayer, or have questions—please reach out to us here: Roots Help & Prayer Form.

 In Christ, 

Pastor Kevin

Brita Dolan