2 Peter 1:3 / He Gives Us All We Need

“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence,”
‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭1:3

Have you ever felt like living the “Christian life” was too hard to do?

Has Satan ever whispered the lie that you will never be able to overcome a certain sin?

Is the struggle of being good or holy becoming too great for you to keep up?

If so, you are not alone.

In the book of 2 Peter, the apostle was writing a group of believers who were being influenced by false teachers who used bad theology to justify their sinful actions. These teachers were tempting the believers to stop striving for holiness and give into their carnal desires. Sinning is often easier than obeying, and at times the temptation to stop striving for holiness and just give in seems quite appealing.

Because of this, the apostle Peter gave them (and us) a powerful reminder:

Our ability to obey and live a godly life comes from God’s divine power and not our own strength.

“His divine power has granted...”

If you’ve been on earth long, you know that there are some things you can only conquer through Christ. You can work hard and overcome some habits, but trust me, you need divine power to walk fully with the Lord. Striving to be good on your own strength is simply exhausting.

Peter says we have all we need for life and godliness.

He has granted us ALL things.

Not just some things and then we fend for ourselves in the rest. God has given us ALL we need to live a godly life!

So what does that mean and how should we respond to that truth?

It means we can overcome any sin through the divine power He provides.

There is absolutely no sin in your life that is too great to be conquered through Christ. So quiet Satan’s lies that you are destined to struggle with the same sin and cannot overcome. You have all you need to defeat that sin, because you have Christ.

This truth also means we should invite Jesus into our messy lives.

If the power to overcome comes from His divine power, we need to let Him in and allow that saving power to work in us. Our power is finite, His infinite. So, invite that power into your sin instead of hiding your sin in shame. He already knows it’s there anyway!

If there is something in your life that does not look like Jesus, ask God for the divine strength to remove it.

It is hard enough living in this sin-wrecked world, let’s not add to it by trying to tame our sin-wrecked hearts on our own strength.

With much love,

Pastor Dave

Corinn Elliff