Roots Community is a church in Seattle, WA located in the Roosevelt and Ravenna neighborhoods. We desire to be used by God in raising up multiplying communities of fully-devoted followers of Christ. Our heart is to love and serve Roosevelt and Ravenna in the name of Christ.


Equip believers to walk in obedience to God and become multiplying disciples of Christ.

Create an atmosphere of worship where people are led to Encounter Christ in all that we do.

Challenge believers to Engage those who do not know Christ through the Gospel, service & missions.

We gather sundays at 10:30am

  • Location: Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center

  • Address: 6535 Ravenna Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98115

  • Parking: There is a parking lot next to the building as well as easy street parking.

  • Childcare: SPROUTS is our children's ministry. Our volunteers are excited to welcome your family into our space during the Gathering. We have incredible members who are intentional about creating a fun and safe environment for your kids. Look for the check-in signs in the lobby. There are two Sprouts rooms available for kids ages 10 and under and older kids are invited to join us in the service!


current sermon series: WHY MULTIPLY?

At Roots our desire is to be used by God in creating multiplying communities of fully-devoted followers of Christ. As believers, God calls us to be both living in Kingdom community, and advancing His Kingdom beyond the church walls. But Why? You're invited as we walk through a biblical basis of multiplication that balances the tension of meeting our needs and creating space for others to find the ultimate Source of their needs as well.


Find out about our vision, beliefs, and partners. 

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Find out more about our Sunday gatherings, small groups, and special events.

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